Custom Audio

Custom Audio


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    All audio is copyright of Juvie Juke Box LLC and is protected under US Copyright Laws. Reproduction, distribution or unauthorized use of any kind will be pursued to the full extent of the law. 

    When we set out to make our audio tracks we had a set of goals in mind. First being they needed to be of the utmost quality in terms of clarity and realism. Secondly was to make audio that improved or eliminated all of the issues and frustrations we had with what was available on the market when we first started. Simply put we wanted tracks that were of the highest quality with professional studio level clarity, crispness and zero background noise. Tracks that had unwanted “extra” noises that don’t belong in snow goose audio no matter how loud you have them cranked were unacceptable. They needed to sound like you were sitting right next to a snow goose. With careful and precise editing, we were able to create what is now the standard for e-caller audio across every flyway. If you'd like something custom made/edited from recordings you already currently own please contact us!

    Below is a video of a spread running our callers entirely.